Valle Dora Energia S.r.l., a subsidiary of the Municipalities of Chiomonte, Salbertrand, Exilles and Susa and an investee of Iren Energia (49%), was established to develop the redevelopment projects for the hydroelectric plants at Chiomonte and Susa which, in 2016, were admitted to the rankings by the GSE (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - Electricity Services Provider) for incentives on the energy produced.
Keeping these plants in operation also ensures important functions of public utility for the local area (protecting irrigation easements, hydro-geological protection and fire prevention service). The total output of the plants is 16.8 MWe (7.6 MWe for the Susa plant and 9.2 MWe for the Chiomonte plant). In 2021, following a period of redevelopment, the two facilities operated at full capacity.