Diversity and inclusion: values and pillars of corporate culture

Iren Group is committed, as evidenced by the corporate mission and values and the Business Plan, to enhancing the diversity present within the Company, providing a healthy work-life balance and improving the quality of the working environment. The aim is to become a team, to add value to the outcome of individual work and to increase a feeling of belonging, creating shared social, cultural, professional and intellectual terrain. For this very reason, the Group has decided to have a “Policy related to Diversity and Inclusion”, which focuses on four main strands: gender, generational, cultural and ability diversity.


Diversity constitutes a value that, in an inclusive logic, promotes the well-being of all: our commitment is to build a corporate community of which each person feels part, in which they can make their own contribution aware of their uniqueness. 

The Iren Group's policies on D&I (Diversity & Inclusion)

Policy on Diversity and Inclusion

Policy on the Management of Violence, Harassment, and Bullying in the Workplace

In the "Diversity and Inclusion Policy," the fundamental values that guide the Iren Group on this topic are stated: the recognition of the dignity and unique value of every person, the commitment to enhancing their skills and talents, the fight against all forms of discrimination, and the importance of training as a lever for personal and professional growth.


The Group's attention and commitment are reflected in four areas:




Iren is historically a male-dominated company, given its technical and operational business areas. However, over the years, awareness has grown that diverse teams, where diversity is seen as a strength, are essential to generating value and innovation.


For this reason, the Industrial Plan for 2030 includes the goal of increasing the presence of women within the Group and in managerial roles. This commitment is realized through various actions related to selection policies, talent development, training programs, work-life balance initiatives, and awareness-raising activities aimed at recognizing and eliminating biases.


Attention to gender issues also extends externally: Iren actively participates in awareness initiatives aimed at female students to overcome gender stereotypes and biases related to the STEM field. To achieve this, Role Models holding technical roles within the Group have been trained to serve as examples and testimonials for young female students who are still deciding which career path to take.

  • Webinars and training sessions in partnership with Valore D, a business association promoting gender balance and an inclusive culture for corporate growth, and Fondazione Libellula, a network of companies committed to combating violence against women and gender discrimination.  
  • Awareness-raising activities at all levels to overcome stereotypes and unconscious biases through dedicated events or informational materials available on the Training Portal.  
  • Training and coaching programs focused on developing female management and leadership.  
  • Promotion of welfare policies aimed at supporting work-life balance, maternity protection, and sharing family responsibilities (such as flexible hours, reversible part-time, smart working, telecommuting).  
  • #RiParto call for proposals: upcoming launch of a project funded by the Department for Family Policies to facilitate mothers' return to work, encourage birth rates, and promote work-life balance through welfare initiatives.  
  • Training of female Role Models within the Group to encourage young women to recognize their talents, freeing them from gender stereotypes that hinder their ambitions, and to build a tangible bridge between school and the workforce.  
  • Partnership with STEM By Women, an association of companies, organizations, and individuals that promotes female education and careers in STEM fields, to break down gender biases and support women and girls in pursuing STEM careers. Iren actively participated in designing the second-level Master's program "HumanAize – Social and Human Sciences for Artificial Intelligence" and hosts internships for some female students.  
  • Participation in 4 Weeks 4 Inclusion, a major inter-company initiative dedicated to inclusion and enhancing differences.  
  • Membership in Women Plus, an app for unemployed women seeking jobs, students, or employed women looking to improve their situation, where job offers, courses, inspiring talks, and mentoring opportunities are published.



The coexistence of different generations within the same organization offers an opportunity to embrace change, tackle technological revolutions, and drive innovation by leveraging people's diverse experiences and skills. However, successfully integrating different generations in the workplace requires moving beyond stereotypes and understanding the strengths, challenges, and differences of each generation.


Iren is committed to fostering a corporate culture that values diversity, respect, and cooperation. Beyond generational differences, there is something that unites everyone: the sense of purpose in one’s work and the importance of recognizing individual contributions. In this regard, teamwork, whether in daily activities or during specific initiatives, represents the best way to promote intergenerational dialogue and the growth of each individual.

  • Onboarding Project for New Hires
  • TransformAttori/Attrici Project: Over 250 colleagues who have facilitated the spread of the digitization process.
  • Call4Ideas: An Open Innovation project where all colleagues can submit their innovative ideas on specific topics, which are then developed through heterogeneous group work.
  • Ideas Laboratory: A multidisciplinary group work that allows for in-depth exploration and study of challenges on strategic technological topics.
  • Training Programs: Opportunities for knowledge sharing and interaction among individuals of different ages and experience levels.
  • "Agreement for Youth and New Hires": To demonstrate attention to young people and highlight the value of supplementary pensions, the Group annually makes an additional contribution, beyond those required by law, to employees hired since January 1, 2018, who are enrolled in pension funds.



The WHO defines disability as an experience that everyone may encounter, even momentarily, during their lifetime. Iren’s focus is therefore not only on those with temporary or permanent disabilities but also on those in situations of visible or invisible fragility.


Valuing the diverse abilities and potentials of individuals is key to fostering innovation: the first step is to listen to different perspectives and needs. With a view to continuously improving the work situation for everyone, the Group is committed to raising awareness in the context, thus reducing unintentional neglect of disability and addressing potential architectural and technological barriers. Through listening and dialogue, Iren aims to promote work environments where all individuals feel respected and valued.

  • Introduction of Accessible Payslips: Implementing accessible payslips for individuals with visual impairments and other visualization issues.
  • “D&Iren Listen to Include”: A pilot project that, starting from listening through the results of a D&I survey, self-narration, and dedicated focus groups, aims to identify activities that address the needs of employees with disabilities and caregivers within the company.


Iren stands against all forms of discrimination related to ethnic and cultural diversity. The company is committed to ensuring equal opportunities for professional growth and a work environment that welcomes everyone, recognizing their value and respecting differences, regardless of origin or culture. This commitment is based on the belief that diverse groups, composed of individuals with varying backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, lead to better outcomes in various areas: from problem-solving to discovering new ideas, to mutual teaching and improving relationships.


To value cultural differences and promote integration, the Group is engaged in awareness-raising activities aimed at respecting differences and developing cultural intelligence—the ability to interact with and adapt effectively to different cultures. By organizing events and opportunities for interaction, Iren creates occasions for exchange and dialogue.

  • Awareness-Raising Activities: Initiatives focused on promoting respect for differences and developing cultural intelligence, which is the ability to interact with and adapt effectively to diverse cultures.
  • Organized Events: Hosting events and meetings to create opportunities for exchange and dialogue.
  • Bias-Free Recruitment Policies: Implementing selection and hiring policies that are free from stereotypes and prejudices related to individuals' backgrounds. This is evidenced by the continuous growth in the number of colleagues with non-Italian nationalities.

Policy on Diversity and Inclusion in Iren Group

Policy on Diversity and Inclusion in Iren Group



In the “Policy on the Management of Violence, Harassment, and Bullying in the Workplace,” Iren condemns any physical or verbal conduct intended to belittle or display hostility and aversion toward a person based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, age, or disability.


Recognizing the fundamental value of prevention, the Group is committed to creating and maintaining a safe, respectful work environment inspired by principles of fairness, freedom, and dignity through awareness-raising and training activities.


The Policy outlines not only the Group’s principles and commitments but also the procedures for identifying, monitoring, and preventing instances of violence, harassment, and bullying, as well as supporting and protecting individuals who report such issues.

Policy on dealing with violence, harassment and bullying in the workplace

Policy on dealing with violence, harassment and bullying in the workplace



due dipendenti iren guardano una torre dell'acqua

Diversity & Inclusion Indicators

Where do we stand: the D&I indicators

To verify the level of inclusion achieved and direct its goals, the Group uses a set of monitoring indicators.


Board of Directors

Women comprise 53% of Iren's Board of Directors, a significantly higher percentage than the national average of around 40%.


Year: 2023         Source: Sustainability Report, Management


Out of a total of 11,004 employees, there are 2,727 women, which corresponds to 25.1% of the average number of employees, slightly up from the 2022 figure (24.9%). In the Iren Group, a total of 1,006 people hold STEM degrees, 37% of whom are women. 

The commitment to implementing the policies initiated on gender diversity, has also been recognized through the Iren Group's confirmation for the fourth consecutive year in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI). The index measures gender equality based on five pillars: women's leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay equity, inclusive culture, anti-harassment policies, and advocacy toward women.


Year: 2023        Source: Sustainability Report


Out of a total of 1,145 hires, there are 210 women, which is 18% down from 2022 (23%) and 2021 (19%). 34% of new hires are under 30. On the other hand, in terms of resignations, women account for 19%


Year: 2023         Source: Sustainability Report


Out of a total of 498 managers (executives and middle managers), there are 125 women, which corresponds to 25.1%, up from 24.5% in 2022. The "executive" category consists of 19% women.

It is shown that, even in light of the predominantly technical characteristics of the activities managed, the situation is not discriminatory for the female component, which accounts for about 39% of the group of executives, middle managers and white-collar workers.


Year: 2023        Source: Sustainability Report

Processes to support diversity inclusion

The selection, recruitment, training, management, development and compensation policies defined in the Iren Group are strictly based on merit and competence criteria, with exclusively professional evaluation, without any discrimination.

In 2021, the Group decided to have a "Policy related to Diversity and Inclusion" that focuses at this time on four main guidelines - gender, generational, cultural and ability diversity -, it being understood that the context can always determine other forms of exclusion that must be, as far as possible, preventively identified, prevented and countered. 

A specific "Policy on Management of Violence, Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace" has also been prepared, aimed on the one hand at raising awareness of the complex phenomenon of violence and harassment, and on the other hand at supporting people who are victims of such phenomena, indicating specific channels through which reports of misconduct can be directed.


Year: 2023        Source: Code of Ethics, D&I Policy, Policy Against Harassment

Goals related to diversity inclusion

Gender Diversity is among management's performance indicators as outlined in the Remuneration Report 2022. Specifically, 2 KPIs on Gender Diversity have been defined:


  • % women of total employees
  • % women executives and middle managers of total executives and middle managers


The 2030 Business Plan includes a goal concerning generational change (75% of hires/employees under 30) and one concerning gender diversity (30% female managers).


Year: 2023        Source: Remuneration Report, Business Plan

Flexible work

The Group's management policy promotes and supports a proper work-life balance, encouraging forms of flexibility in the organization that facilitate people in carrying out their work activities, in relation to their family, health and personal conditions. (flexible working hours, telecommuting, smart working, part time, ultra-daily flexibility).

Thanks to these flexibility experiences and the process of strong digitization in human resources, in 2022 the Group was also able to respond effectively to the work-life balance needs of the corporate population, using the various forms of reconciliation available.


Year: 2023        Source: Sustainability Report, Code of Ethics

Welfare services

Quality of life is the main objective of corporate welfare activities, understood as the set of initiatives and services made available to employees and their families, which result in the realization of people's well-being, in the workplace and also in private life. The Iren Group therefore promotes, among other things, the importance of a healthy lifestyle and prevention, on which people's psycho-physical well-being depends.


Year: 2023        SourceSustainability Report


In the company, 422 employees (3.8% of total employees), have disabilities or special needs.


Year: 2023        SourceSustainability Report

Career progression

The policy of selection, recruitment, training, management, development and compensation policies are strictly based on merit and competence criteria, with exclusively professional evaluation, without any discrimination. Of the total number of people who have had career advancement, women account for 27%.


Year: 2023        SourceCode of Ethics


All employees have participated in at least one training course, with an average per capita training hours of 23 hours.

A target has been included in the Business Plan to 2030 regarding Reskilling and Upskilling (30 hours per capita of training).


Training plays a key role in enabling the dissemination of the pillars of corporate culture on issues of diversity and inclusion and implementing commitments made in corporate policies. All personnel in positions of responsibility within the Group have been involved in a course dedicated to the topic of inclusive culture entitled "Diversity as an accelerator of development."


In addition, the participation of all people is promoted in the Valore D Talks, a series of appointments, included in the online training available on the company intranet, that encourage discussion and reflection with experts on the issues of diversity and inclusion.


Year: 2023        Source:  Sustainability ReportBusiness Plan


In 2023, there were 528 employees (223 women and 305 men) who took mandatory and optional maternity, parental leave, paternity leave, and breastfeeding leave.

For paid parental leave, Iren applies Italian labor law. Compulsory maternity leave has a maximum duration of 5 months with 80% pay, supplemented at 100% by CCNLs. Fathers may abstain from work for a maximum period of 10 working days with regular pay at 100%.


Parents of children under the age of three and pregnant employees regularly on duty are granted additional remote work days on a monthly basis. In addition to these opportunities, specific training provided and dedicated corporate Welfare services are also provided.


Upon their return, all/all employees were able to resume the activity they were following prior to the period of absence or an activity with equal professional content, in cases where organizational changes in the meantime occurred did not allow a return to the same position.


Year: 2023        SourceSustainability Report

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From the Everyday magazine

Iren's Perspective: Stories, news, interviews, and in-depth articles on D&I topics from our magazine EveryDay