Our waste cycle

to safeguard the environment


Tons of waste treated 

in 63 plants

Iren Ambiente

From material to energy, from collection to waste-to-energy: through our environmental management activities, we play a leading role in the circular economy, thanks to our ability to close the waste cycle by transforming waste into resources for the territory.


separate waste collection

in the territories served by the Group

The activities

Waste collection, urban hygiene, commercial services, integrated waste cycle. A journey that starts in homes, passes through city streets, helps companies with dedicated services and arrives at our plants where we treat, convert to energy and recover.


inhabitants served

in 436 Italian municipalities

The territories 

We manage environmental health services in the provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, La Spezia, Vercelli and in the city of Turin. We provide the waste collection service in several areas of Piedmont, Lombardy and Sardinia.


collection centres managed

in 436 Italian municipalities

Useful information 

All detailed information on services in your municipality: collection calendars and methods, bulky and special waste, collection centres and distribution points, waste tax and much more.

Our Services

From waste to a resource for the sustainable development of territories.

Increasingly efficient and functional collection systems contribute to the steady growth in the percentage of separate waste collection: in 2021 the Group reached 70.3%, compared to a national average of 63%.

Cleanliness and decorum of different urban environments

Cleaning activities are carried out using flexible means and tools that can be adapted to the many different urban characteristics.

Treatment, recovery and disposal

The management of the entire waste process, up to the reuse of waste materials, with the aim of reducing the impact on the environment and people’s health.

Waste collection, sorting and treatment

Iren Ambiente offers a wide range of services and activities aimed at material recovery and environmental protection.

Allocated to finance the costs of waste collection and disposal services

The TARI may be either a tax or a fee depending on whether or not point-based metering systems are applied in the municipality of reference, as provided for in article 1, paragraph 668 of Law no. 147 of 27 December 2013.

From waste to a resource for the sustainable development of territories.

Increasingly efficient and functional collection systems contribute to the steady growth in the percentage of separate waste collection: in 2021 the Group reached 70.3%, compared to a national average of 63%.

Cleanliness and decorum of different urban environments

Cleaning activities are carried out using flexible means and tools that can be adapted to the many different urban characteristics.

Treatment, recovery and disposal

The management of the entire waste process, up to the reuse of waste materials, with the aim of reducing the impact on the environment and people’s health.

Waste collection, sorting and treatment

Iren Ambiente offers a wide range of services and activities aimed at material recovery and environmental protection.

Allocated to finance the costs of waste collection and disposal services

The TARI may be either a tax or a fee depending on whether or not point-based metering systems are applied in the municipality of reference, as provided for in article 1, paragraph 668 of Law no. 147 of 27 December 2013.

Where, how, when 

Every territory is different. Our waste collection and urban hygiene systems are organised to adapt to the characteristics of each municipality and meet the needs of its inhabitants. See the collection mode of your Municipality.


To ensure maximum transparency in the municipal and assimilated waste management service, we provide all detailed information on waste collection and street cleaning services, including contact details, administrative information, forms and data on collection rates.


If you are a citizen of one of the territories in which we operate or a customer with a supply contract, we are here to help you, resolve your doubts and answer your questions. See locations and contacts

The collection service, which constitutes the first phase of the integrated waste cycle, involves: Parma, Piacenza and 119 other municipalities in the three Emilian provinces.


Iren Ambiente offers a wide range of services and activities aimed at material recovery and environmental protection:


  • Waste collection, sorting and treatment
  • Cleaning and pest control services
  • Design services
  • Chemical analysis
  • Reclamation
  • Other commercial services, dedicated to industrial, craft, health, agronomic and tertiary activities

The payment of TARI (tax code 3944 called “TARI - waste tax - article 1 paragraph 639 Law 147/2013”) is made with the F24 form:


  • at Poste Italiane counters;
  • at bank counters;
  • at tobacconists affiliated with BANCA ITB (by means of the bar code at the bottom of the F24 form).


Further information on payment notices can be found at the toll-free number 800969696.