Iren's Industrial
Plan Update @2030 

Iren launches the RigeneRare Observatory,
a hub for the circular economy
of critical raw materials 

ESG Challenge 2025
An award for the best theses
on sustainability


Who we are

We work for development

Ecological transition, innovation, and research are the strategic dimensions we invest in every day to shape a sustainable future.

We are a multi-utility company

We operate in a multi-regional area with 10,583 employees, over 2.2 million energy customers, 2.9 million residents served in integrated water cycle management, and over 3.8 million in environmental services.

Our history

Experience and tradition guide our expertise, cultivated through a constant path of growth with deep roots.

The industrial plan

Ecological transition, territorial focus, and service quality guide Iren’s Industrial Plan: these are the three strategic pillars leading the way to meet the needs of citizens and territories.


From energy production to integrated waste and water cycle management: Iren provides services and creates infrastructure to enrich and enhance the territory, fully respecting natural resources, the environment, and its customer citizens.

Mamma e figlio sul divano impegnati a leggere un libro con la luce della lampada accesa

Electricity, Gas and Services

Iren Luce Gas e Servizi supplies electricity, natural gas, products, and services to private individuals, businesses and public agencies.

Operatrice ecologica Iren accanto ad un mezzo per la pulizia delle strade


Iren Ambiente designs excellent environmental systems, promoting a mix of recycling, energy recovery, and the enhancement of recoverable materials.

Serie di quattro condomini visti dal basso con porzione di cielo

 Smart Solutions

Iren Smart Solutions offers integrated solutions for energy efficiency: proposals optimise building renovations, generating tangible and lasting savings.

Dettaglio della centrale di teleriscaldamento Iren Politecnico di Torino

District heating

The Iren Group produces and supplies thermal energy necessary for heating buildings and producing sanitary hot water.

Operaio Iren di spalle che guarda la Torre Serbatoio della Centrale idrica Reggio Est


2.9 million residents served by Iren's water service, with 20,358 km of distribution networks, 170 million cubic metres of water sold, 1,361 treatment plants, and 239 municipalities served.

Operaio Iren di spalle in un impianto teleriscaldamento

Energy Generation

We are active in energy generation and thermal energy production for district heating and in technology services. 

What do you need?

If you are a citizen of the territories where we operate or a customer with a supply contract, we are here to help, solve your doubts and answer your questions.

Our commitments


Approaching everything with a circular mindset, exploring new paths to realise the ecological transition, investing to accelerate change.




At the heart of our strategic choices to improve efficiency and service quality, optimise corporate processes, and anticipate the needs of citizens, customers and territories.


Supporting growth by focusing on cooperation and integration within communities. A relationship based on respect for places and people, widespread presence, trust, and transparency.

For Investors

The Iren Group provides all the useful information for investors, with the shared goal of merging development and sustainability into unique value.

From EveryDay magazine

The future is written and read today.
Stories, news, interviews, and in-depth articles on energy, innovation, and sustainability.

Eventi sostenibili, come ridurre l'impatto ambientale e organizzare festeggiamenti green

Organizzare un evento sostenibile non è solo una scelta etica, ma anche una necessità per ridurre l'impatto ambientale. Ecco come minimizzare questi impatti attraverso strategie e best practice.

Reverse flow, come funziona la tecnologia che ottimizza il flusso del gas e rende la rete più efficiente

L’impianto reverse flow è un esempio di utilizzo virtuoso di una risorsa pulita come il biometano in una logica di sostenibilità ed economia circolare senza sprechi energetici.

Four Iren workers in uniform inside a purification plant

Work with us

Together, we aim to build a sustainable future not only for our company but also for the next generations. To achieve this, we focus on people and their professional and human value.