Documents related to the most recent Iren S.p.A. Shareholders' Meetings can be viewed below. Notices, procedures, electronic voting methods, minutes, questions and answers can be filtered by year.
Shareholders' Meetings
Documents related to the most recent Iren S.p.A. Shareholders' Meetings can be viewed below. Notices, procedures, electronic voting methods, minutes, questions and answers can be filtered by year.
Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Iren S.p.A. called for 24 April 2025 at 10:00am in a single call
"Sala Arazzi" of the Galleria Alberoni located in the Alberoni College - Piacenza, via Emilia Parmense, 67
Pursuant to the provisions of article 13 of the bylaws and article 83-sexies of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998, those entitled to participate in the shareholders' meeting are those who hold voting rights at the end of the accounting day (record date) of 11 April 2025 and for whom the Company has received the relevant notices from authorised intermediaries by the end of the third trading day prior to the date of the meeting (i.e. 17 April 2025).
Each person entitled to participate may be represented at the Shareholders' Meeting pursuant to the law by means of a proxy granted to Computershare S.p.A. with offices in Turin, via Nizza 262/73, - as Designated Representative (hereinafter also “RD”) pursuant to Article 135-undecies of Legislative Decree no. 58/98 - , - for this purpose using the specific proxy form available here - or by following the guided procedure through the web application for the proxy to the RD - to be transmitted by 22 April 2025.
The proxy given to Computershare S.p.A. shall be effective only for the resolutions proposed to the Shareholders' Meeting for which the delegating party has given voting instructions by means of the proxy form.
If, for technical reasons, the proxy forms cannot be made available in electronic form, they will be transmitted upon simple request to be made by telephone on 011/0923200.
For the notification of proxies, including electronically, the instructions on the forms themselves shall be followed. The proxy and voting instructions will be revocable within the same deadline as above (i.e. by 23 April 2025).
Entitled parties may directly express their vote online, no later than 23 April 2025, by filling in and submitting via the Internet the appropriate voting form.
Pursuant to Article 127-ter of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF), shareholders may ask questions on the items on the agenda even before the Shareholders' Meeting. Questions must be sent in writing to the Company at or
The question must be accompanied by the personal data of the requesting Member (surname and first name or name in the case of an organisation or company, date of birth and tax code). Those who have the right to vote and for whom the Company has received, according to the procedures indicated on the website, by 17 April 2025 (i.e. by the third day following the record date set for 11 April 2025), a notice from an authorised intermediary in accordance with the regulations in force, shall be entitled to receive a reply.
For this purpose, a communication must be produced by the depository intermediary, even after the application, effective until the record date (11 April 2025) addressed to, certifying the ownership of the shares by the applicant. In the event that the shareholder has requested from its depository intermediary the communication of legitimation to participate in the Shareholders' Meeting, it will be sufficient to include in the request the references of such communication possibly issued by the intermediary or at least the name of the intermediary itself. Requests received by 11 April 2025, if consistent with the matters under discussion and after having verified the applicant's legitimacy, will be answered by 22 April 2025, in the appropriate section of the Company's website.
Pursuant to Article 126-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF), Shareholders who, also jointly, represent one fortieth of the share capital may request, by 24 March 2025, the integration of the items to be discussed by indicating in the request the additional items proposed or submit new resolution proposals on items already on the agenda.
Requests must be submitted in written form to the Company at the following e-mail addresses: or provided that they reach the Company within the aforementioned deadline and must be accompanied by a report on the items proposed for discussion. The attestation of the ownership of the shares by the requesting Shareholders, as well as of the shareholding required to request the integration of the agenda, must result from a specific communication made by the depository intermediary, effective as of the date of the request itself, addressed to Integration is not allowed for items on which the Shareholders' Meeting resolves upon the proposal of the Directors or on the basis of a project and a report prepared by them, other than those referred to in Article 125-ter, paragraph 1, of TUF.
Any additions to the list of items to be dealt with by the Shareholders‘ Meeting as a result of the aforementioned requests and the submission of additional motions on items already on the agenda shall be announced, in the same manner as prescribed for the publication of the notice of meeting, no later than 9 April 2025 (at least 15 days prior to the date set for the Shareholders’ Meeting).
Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Iren S.p.A. called for 27 June 2024 at 12:00pm in a single call
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of the Bylaws and Article 83-sexies of Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998, shareholders who hold voting rights at the end of the record date of 18 June 2024 and for whom the Company has received the relevant communication from the authorised intermediary are entitled to attend the meeting.
Each person entitled to participate may be represented at the Shareholders' Meeting in accordance with the law by means of a proxy conferred on Computershare S.p.A. with offices in Turin, via Nizza 262/73, - as exclusive Designated Representative, pursuant to article 106 of Law Decree no. 18/2020 converted by Law no. 27/2020 as amended and supplemented (‘Decree’) as last amended by Law no. 21 of 5 March 2024 - for this purpose using the specific proxy form available here - or following the guided procedure through web application - to be transmitted by 25 June 2024. Alternatively, the Appointed Representative may also be granted proxies or sub-delegations pursuant to Article 135-novies of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF) as an exception to Article 135-undecies, paragraph 4, of the TUF using the proxy form available here to be transmitted by 25 June 2024.
The proxy given to Computershare S.p.A. is effective only for the resolutions proposed to the Shareholders' Meeting for which the proxy giver has given voting instructions using the appropriate form.
If, for technical reasons, the proxy forms cannot be made available electronically, they will be transmitted by simple request to be made by telephone on +39 011/0923200.
For the notification of proxies, also in electronic form, the instructions on the proxy forms must be followed.
Electronic voting
Entitled parties may directly express their vote online, no later than 26 June 2024, by filling in and submitting via the Internet the appropriate voting form. The proxy and voting instructions may be revoked by the same deadline as above (i.e. by 26 June 2024).
Pursuant to Article 127-ter of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF), shareholders may ask questions on the items on the agenda even before the Shareholders' Meeting. Questions must be sent in writing to the Company at or or by filling out the appropriate form. The question must be accompanied by the personal data of the requesting Member (surname and first name or name in the case of an organisation or company, date of birth and tax code). Those who have the right to vote and for whom the Company has received, according to the procedures indicated on the website, by 21 June 2024 (i.e. by the third day following the record date set for 18 June 2024), a notice from an authorised intermediary in accordance with the regulations in force, shall be entitled to receive a reply.
For this purpose, a communication must be produced by the depository intermediary, even after the application, effective until the record date (18 June 2024) addressed to, certifying the ownership of the shares by the applicant. In the event that the shareholder has requested from its depository intermediary the communication of legitimation to participate in the Shareholders' Meeting, it will be sufficient to include in the request the references of such communication possibly issued by the intermediary or at least the name of the intermediary itself. Requests received by 18 June 2024, if consistent with the matters under discussion and after having verified the applicant's legitimacy, will be answered by 24 June 2024, in the appropriate section of the Company's website.
Pursuant to Article 126-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF), Shareholders who, also jointly, represent one fortieth of the share capital may request, by 17 May 2024, the integration of the items to be discussed by indicating in the request the additional items proposed or submit new resolution proposals on items already on the agenda.
Requests must be submitted in written form to the Company at the following e-mail addresses: or provided that they reach the Company within the aforementioned deadline and must be accompanied by a report on the items proposed for discussion. The attestation of the ownership of the shares by the requesting Shareholders, as well as of the shareholding required to request the integration of the agenda, must result from a specific communication made by the depository intermediary, effective as of the date of the request itself, addressed to Integration is not allowed for items on which the Shareholders' Meeting resolves upon the proposal of the Directors or on the basis of a project and a report prepared by them, other than those referred to in Article 125-ter, paragraph 1, of TUF.
Individual proposals for resolutions by Members on items on the agenda
In relation to the fact that participation in the Shareholders' Meeting is envisaged exclusively through the Appointed Representative, in order to allow Shareholders to give full voting instructions, those entitled to vote may submit to the Company, in writing, proposals for resolutions and/or votes on the items on the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting by 12 June 2024 by e-mail addressed to: or Each resolution proposal shall indicate the item on the agenda to which it relates and the specific resolution proposal. Each proposer must indicate his/her shareholding and indicate the references of the communication from the intermediary attesting to his/her entitlement to participate in the Shareholders' Meeting.
Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Iren S.p.A. called for 4 May 2023 at 11.00 a.m. in a single call
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of the Bylaws and Article 83-sexies of Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998, shareholders who hold voting rights at the end of the record date of 24 April 2023 and for whom the Company has received the relevant communication from the authorised intermediary are entitled to attend the meeting.
Each person entitled to participate may be represented at the Shareholders' Meeting in accordance with the law by means of a proxy conferred on Computershare S.p.A. with offices in Turin, via Nizza 262/73, - as exclusive Designated Representative, pursuant to article 3, paragraph 10 - undecies, of Legislative Decree no. 198 of 29/12/2022 (so called Milleproroghe 2023), converted with amendments by Law no. 14 of 24 February 2023 which provided a further extension of the 'emergency' provisions on the shareholding’s meetings, originally established by the Cura Italia Decree (Art. 106) - for this purpose using the specific proxy form available here - or following the guided procedure through web application - to be transmitted by 2 May 2023. Alternatively, the Appointed Representative may also be granted proxies or sub-delegations pursuant to Article 135-novies of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF) as an exception to Article 135-undecies, paragraph 4, of the TUF using the proxy form available here to be transmitted by 3 May 2023 at 12:00pm.
The proxy given to Computershare S.p.A. is effective only for the resolutions proposed to the Shareholders' Meeting for which the proxy giver has given voting instructions using the appropriate form.
If, for technical reasons, the proxy forms cannot be made available electronically, they will be transmitted by simple request to be made by telephone on +39 011/0923200.
For the notification of proxies, also in electronic form, the instructions on the proxy forms must be followed.
Electronic voting
Entitled parties may directly express their vote online, no later than 3 May 2023, by filling in and submitting via the Internet the appropriate voting form. The proxy and voting instructions may be revoked by the same deadline as above (i.e. by 3 May 2023).
Requests must be submitted in written form to the Company at the following e-mail addresses: or provided that they reach the Company within the aforementioned deadline and must be accompanied by a report on the items proposed for discussion.
The attestation of the ownership of the shares by the requesting Shareholders, as well as of the shareholding required to request the integration of the agenda, must result from a specific communication made by the depository intermediary, effective as of the date of the request itself, addressed to Integration is not allowed for items on which the Shareholders' Meeting resolves upon the proposal of the Directors or on the basis of a project and a report prepared by them, other than those referred to in Article 125-ter, paragraph 1, of TUF.
Individual proposals for resolutions by Members on items on the agenda
In relation to the fact that participation in the Shareholders' Meeting is envisaged exclusively through the Appointed Representative, in order to allow Shareholders to give full voting instructions, those entitled to vote may submit to the Company, in writing, proposals for resolutions and/or votes on the items on the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting by 19 April 2023 by e-mail addressed to: or Each resolution proposal shall indicate the item on the agenda to which it relates and the specific resolution proposal. Each proposer must indicate his/her shareholding and indicate the references of the communication from the intermediary attesting to his/her entitlement to participate in the Shareholders' Meeting.
Ordinary Shareholders' meeting of Iren S.p.A. called for 21 th June 2022, in single call, at 10 a.m.
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of the Bylaws and Article 83-sexies of Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998, shareholders who hold voting rights at the end of the record date of 10 June 2022 and for whom the Company has received the relevant communication from the authorised intermediary are entitled to attend the meeting.
Each person entitled to participate may be represented at the Shareholders' Meeting in accordance with the law by means of a proxy conferred on Computershare S.p.A. with offices in Turin, via Nizza 262/73, - as exclusive Designated Representative, pursuant to article 106, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree no. 18 of 17/03/2020 (Cura Italia), the provisions of which were most recently extended by Law Decree no. 228/2022 so-called Mille proroghe (art. 3, paragraph 1) converted with amendments by Law no. 15 of 25 February 2022 - for this purpose using the specific proxy form available here to be submitted by 17 June 2022, which can also be filled in and submitted via weblink. Alternatively, the Appointed Representative may also be granted proxies or sub-delegations pursuant to Article 135-novies of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF) as an exception to Article 135-undecies, paragraph 4, of the TUF using the proxy form available here to be transmitted by the above date (i.e. by 17 June 2022).
The proxy given to Computershare S.p.A. is effective only for the resolutions proposed to the Shareholders' Meeting for which the proxy giver has given voting instructions using the appropriate form.
If, for technical reasons, the proxy forms cannot be made available electronically, they will be transmitted by simple request to be made by telephone on 011/0923200.
For the notification of proxies, also in electronic form, the instructions on the proxy forms must be followed.
Electronic voting
Entitled parties may directly express their vote online, no later than 20 June 2022, by filling in and submitting via the Internet the appropriate voting form. The proxy and voting instructions may be revoked by the same deadline as above (i.e. by 20 June 2022).
Pursuant to Article 127-ter of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF), shareholders may ask questions on the items on the agenda even before the Shareholders' Meeting. Questions must be sent in writing to the Company at or or by fax to 011.0703563 or by filling out the appropriate form.
The application must be accompanied by the personal data of the requesting Member (surname and first name or name in the case of an organisation or company, date of birth and tax code). The right to receive a reply is held by those who are owners of the shares on 10 June 2022 (record date). To this end, a communication must be produced by the depositary intermediary, even after the application has been submitted, addressed to, certifying the ownership of the shares by the applicant.
If the shareholder has requested from his depository intermediary the notice of legitimation to participate in the Shareholders' Meeting, it will be sufficient to include in the request the references of such notice that may have been issued by the intermediary or at least the name of the intermediary itself. Requests received by 10 June 2022, if consistent with the matters under discussion and after verifying the applicant's legitimacy, will be answered within two days prior to the date of the Shareholders' Meeting, in the appropriate section of the Company's website.
Pursuant to Article 126-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF), Shareholders who, also jointly, represent one fortieth of the share capital may request, by 10 May 2022, the integration of the items to be discussed by indicating in the request the additional items proposed or submit new resolution proposals on items already on the agenda.
Requests must be submitted in writing to the Company at the following e-mail addresses: or provided that they reach the Company within the aforementioned deadline and must be accompanied by a report on the items proposed for discussion. The attestation of the ownership of the shares by the requesting Shareholders, as well as of the shareholding required to request the integration of the agenda, must result from a specific communication made by the depository intermediary, effective as of the date of the request itself, addressed to Integration is not allowed for items on which the Shareholders' Meeting resolves upon the proposal of the Directors or on the basis of a project and a report prepared by them, other than those referred to in Article 125-ter, paragraph 1, of TUF.
Ordinary Shareholders' meeting of Iren S.p.A. called for 6th May 2021, at 11am on first call
Anyone entitled to attend may be represented at the Shareholders' Meeting in accordance with the law by means of a proxy granted to Computershare S.p.A. with offices in Turin, via Nizza 262/73, - as the exclusive Designated Representative pursuant to article 106, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree 17/03/2020 n.18 (Cura Italia) whose provisions were last extended by the Law Decree n. 183/2020 so-called Mille Proroghe (art. 3, paragraph 6) converted with Law no. 21 of February 26, 2021 - for this purpose using the specific proxy form available here to be sent by May 4, 2021, which can also be completed and forwarded via weblink. Alternatively, the Designated Representative may also be given proxies or sub-proxies pursuant to art. 135-novies of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF) notwithstanding art. 135-undecies, paragraph 4, of the TUF using the proxy form available here to be sent by the date indicated above (May 4, 2021).
The proxy conferred to Computershare S.p.A. it has effect only for the resolutions proposed to the Shareholders' Meeting for which the delegating party has given voting instructions through the specific form.
If, for technical reasons, the proxy forms cannot be made available in electronic form, they will be sent by simple request to be made by telephone at 011.0923200.
For the notification of proxies, even electronically, the instructions on the forms themselves must be followed.
Electronic vote
Entitled subjects can directly cast their vote online by and no later than 4 May 2021 by completing and submitting the appropriate voting form via the internet. The proxy and the voting instructions will be revocable within the same term as above (i.e. by May 4, 2021).
Pursuant to art. 127-ter of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF), shareholders can ask questions on the items on the agenda even before the Shareholders' Meeting. Questions must be sent in writing to the Company at or or by fax to 011.0703563 or by filling in the appropriate form.
The application must be accompanied by the personal data of the requesting Member (surname and name or name in the case of an institution or company, date of birth and tax code).
Those who hold the shares as of April 27, 2021 (record date) have the right to obtain an answer. To this end, the depositary intermediary must produce, even after the application, a communication effective until the aforementioned date, addressed to, certifying the ownership of the shares by the applicant.
If the shareholder has asked his depositary intermediary for the communication of legitimacy to participate in the Shareholders' Meeting, it will be sufficient to include in the request the references of such communication possibly issued by the intermediary or at least the name of the intermediary itself.
Questions received by April 27, 2021, if consistent with the matters under discussion and after verifying the applicant's legitimacy, will be answered within two days prior to the date of the meeting, in the appropriate section of the company's website.
Pursuant to art. 126-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF), the Shareholders who, even jointly, represent one fortieth of the share capital may request, by April 4, 2021, the integration of the matters to be discussed, indicating the additional topics in the application proposed or submit new resolution proposals on matters already on the agenda.
Requests must be submitted in writing to the Company at the following e-mail addresses: or provided that they reach the Company within the above terms and must be accompanied by a report on the matters of which the discussion is proposed. The attestation of the ownership of the shares by the requesting Shareholders, as well as of the shareholding necessary to request the integration of the agenda, must result from a specific communication made by the depositary intermediary, effective on the date of the request, addressed to
The integration is not allowed for matters on which the Shareholders' Meeting resolves upon proposal of the Directors or on the basis of a project and a report prepared by them, other than those referred to in art. 125-ter, paragraph 1, of the TUF.
Individual proposals for deliberation by the Shareholders on the items on the agenda
In relation to the fact that participation in the Shareholders' Meeting is envisaged exclusively through the Designated Representative, in order to allow the Shareholders to give complete voting instructions, those entitled to vote may submit to the Company, in writing, proposed resolutions and / or vote on the items on the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting by 20 April 2021 by e-mail sent to: or
Each proposed resolution must indicate the topic on the agenda to which it refers and report the specific resolution proposal. Each proposer must communicate his / her shareholding and indicate the references of the communication from the intermediary certifying the legitimacy to participate in the Assembly.
Ordinary Shareholders' meeting of Iren S.p.A. called for 29 th April 2020, on first call, and for 29 th May 2020 on second call
Those authorised to intervene may delegate the power of representation in the Meeting, in accordance with the legislation, by proxy conferred to Computershare S.p.A., based in Torino, via Nizza 262/73, - as the exclusively Designated Representative pursuant to the article 106, comma 4, of DL 17/03/2020 n.18 (Cura Italia) – using the specific proxy form available here, to be sent by April 27, 2020, which could be also filled in and sent by clicking on the weblink.
Alternatively, proxies or sub-proxies may also be granted to the Designated Representative pursuant to the article 135-novies of D. Lgs. 58/98 (TUF) using the specific proxy form available here to be sent by 12 (noon) on April 28, 2020.
The proxy granted to Computershare S.p.A. has effect only for resolutions proposed to the Shareholders' Meeting for which the delegating party has given voting instructions through the appropriate form.
If, for technical reasons, the proxy forms cannot be made available in electronic format, they will be sent upon request, following a simple request by phone, calling 011.0923211.
The notification of the proxies, either in electronic format or not, has to be made following the instructions provided in the forms themselves.
Electronic vote
Entitled subjects shall directly express, by the 28th of April 2020, their electronic vote filling in and sending the appropriate voting form through the web procedure, accessible via the following LINK
Pursuant to art. 127-ter of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF), the shareholders have the right to ask questions on the topics on the agenda also prior to the meeting.
The questions must be sent in writing to the Company to the address or via fax to the no. 011 0703563 or by filling in the specific form . The questions must be accompanied by the personal details of the shareholder (last and first name or entity name, date of birth and tax code).
The right to receive an answer is granted only to those who declare the ownership of the shares as of 20th of April 2020 (record date). For this purpose, also after submitting the question and with the same methods envisaged to submit it, a certification must be provided, to be issued by the filing intermediary and stating the ownership of the shares, to be valid as of the aforementioned date, addressed to In case the shareholder asked its depositary intermediary a certificate of legitimation to participate to the Shareholders', the request shall simply contain the reference to this certificate, as issued by the intermediary, or at least the intermediary’s name.
To the questions received by the 20 th of April 2020, an answer will be given after verifying their relevance and the authorisation of the asking party, in the appropriate section of our website at least 2 days prior to the shareholders’meeting date.
Pursuant to art. 126-bis of Legislative Decree 58/98 (TUF), those shareholders that, also jointly, represent one fortieth of the share capital may request, by the 8th of April 2020, the integration of the topics to be discussed, specifying in the form the other proposed topics, or present new proposals on the topics already in the agenda.
Requests must be submitted in writing to the Company via e-mail: or to be received by the company by the deadline specified above and to be accompanied by a report on the topics on which a discussion is being proposed.
The certification of the ownership of the share by the applicant and the certification of the stake necessary to request the agenda integration must be done by the intermediarydepositary through a communication addressed to
No integration can be made on the topics on which the Shareholders' meeting deliberates following a proposal by the Directors or based on a project and report prepared by them, other than those specified in art. 125-ter of TUF.
Questions and answers section
Information on the share capital and other documents
Assemblea ordinaria di Iren S.p.A. convocata in unica convocazione per il 22 maggio 2019
Ogni legittimato ad intervenire potrà farsi rappresentare in Assemblea ai sensi di legge mediante delega conferita in alternativa:
La delega può essere conferita a Computershare S.p.A. entro il 20 maggio 2019 ed ha effetto per le sole deliberazioni proposte all'Assemblea per le quali il delegante abbia conferito istruzioni di voto attraverso detto modulo.
Qualora, per motivi tecnici, i moduli di delega non possano essere resi disponibili in forma elettronica, gli stessi saranno trasmessi a semplice richiesta da effettuare telefonicamente al numero 011 0923200.
Per la notifica delle deleghe, anche in via elettronica, dovranno essere seguite le istruzioni riportate sui moduli stessi.
Voto per via elettronica
I soggetti legittimati possono esprimere direttamente, entro e non oltre il 21 maggio 2019, il proprio voto on line compilando e inoltrando via internet l'apposito modulo di voto cliccando sul link.
Ai sensi dell'art. 127-ter del D. Lgs. 58/98 (TUF) i soci possono porre domande sulle materie all'ordine del giorno anche prima dell'Assemblea.
Le domande devono essere inviate per iscritto alla Società all'indirizzo oppure o tramite fax allo 011 0703563 o mediante compilazione dell'apposito form.
La domanda deve essere corredata con i dati anagrafici del Socio richiedente (cognome e nome o denominazione nel caso di ente o Società, data di nascita e codice fiscale).
Hanno diritto di ottenere risposta coloro che risultano titolari delle azioni alla data del 13 maggio 2019 (record date). A tal fine deve essere prodotta dall'intermediario depositario, anche successivamente alla domanda, una comunicazione con efficacia fino alla suddetta data, indirizzata a, attestante la titolarità delle azioni in capo al richiedente stesso. Nel caso l'azionista abbia richiesto al proprio intermediario depositario la comunicazione di legittimazione per partecipare all'Assemblea, sarà sufficiente riportare nella richiesta i riferimenti di tale comunicazione eventualmente rilasciati dall'intermediario o quantomeno la denominazione dell'intermediario stesso.
Alle domande pervenute entro il 19 maggio 2019 sarà data risposta, dopo aver verificato la loro pertinenza e la legittimazione del richiedente, con il mezzo richiesto dal richiedente (fax o email) oppure, al più tardi, in occasione dell'Assemblea.
Ai sensi dell'art. 126-bis del D. Lgs. 58/98 (TUF) i Soci che, anche congiuntamente, rappresentino un quarantesimo del capitale sociale possono chiedere, entro il 22 aprile 2019, l'integrazione delle materie da trattare indicando nella domanda gli ulteriori argomenti proposti ovvero presentare nuove proposte di deliberazione su materie già all'ordine del giorno.
Le richieste devono essere presentate per iscritto alla Società a mezzo raccomandata indirizzata a IREN S.p.A, Strada S. Margherita 6/a, 43123 Parma - Direzione Affari Societari o alternativamente ai seguenti indirizzi di posta elettronica: oppure a condizione che pervenga alla Società entro i termini di cui sopra e devono essere corredate da una relazione sulle materie di cui si propone la trattazione.
L'attestazione della titolarità delle azioni in capo agli Azionisti richiedenti, nonché della quota di partecipazione necessaria per richiedere l'integrazione dell'ordine del giorno deve risultare da specifica comunicazione effettuata dall'intermediario depositario, con efficacia alla data della richiesta stessa, indirizzata a
L'integrazione non è ammessa per gli argomenti sui quali l'Assemblea delibera su proposta degli Amministratori o sulla base di un progetto e di una relazione da essi predisposta, diversa da quelle di cui all'art. 125-ter, comma 1, del TUF.
Il capitale sociale è attualmente rappresentato da 1.300.931.377 azioni ordinarie con diritto di voto e del valore nominale di euro 1 cadauna.
Assemblea straordinaria e ordinaria di Iren S.p.A. convocata in unica convocazione per il 5 aprile 2019
Ogni legittimato ad intervenire potrà farsi rappresentare in Assemblea ai sensi di legge mediante delega conferita in alternativa:
La delega può essere conferita a Computershare S.p.A. entro il 3 aprile 2019 ed ha effetto per le sole deliberazioni proposte all'Assemblea per le quali il delegante abbia conferito istruzioni di voto attraverso detto modulo.
Qualora, per motivi tecnici, i moduli di delega non possano essere resi disponibili in forma elettronica, gli stessi saranno trasmessi a semplice richiesta da effettuare telefonicamente al numero 011 0923200.
Per la notifica delle deleghe, anche in via elettronica, dovranno essere seguite le istruzioni riportate sui moduli stessi.
Voto per via elettronica
I soggetti legittimati possono esprimere direttamente, entro e non oltre il 4 aprile 2019, il proprio voto on line compilando e inoltrando via internet l'apposito modulo di voto cliccando sul link.
Ai sensi dell'art. 127-ter del D. Lgs. 58/98 (TUF) i soci possono porre domande sulle materie all'ordine del giorno anche prima dell'Assemblea.
Le domande devono essere inviate per iscritto alla Società all'indirizzo oppure o tramite fax allo 011 0703563 o mediante compilazione dell'apposito form.
La domanda deve essere corredata con i dati anagrafici del Socio richiedente (cognome e nome o denominazione nel caso di ente o Società, data di nascita e codice fiscale).
Hanno diritto di ottenere risposta coloro che risultano titolari delle azioni alla data del 27 marzo 2019 (record date). A tal fine deve essere prodotta dall'intermediario depositario, anche successivamente alla domanda, una comunicazione con efficacia fino alla suddetta data, indirizzata a, attestante la titolarità delle azioni in capo al richiedente stesso. Nel caso l'azionista abbia richiesto al proprio intermediario depositario la comunicazione di legittimazione per partecipare all'Assemblea, sarà sufficiente riportare nella richiesta i riferimenti di tale comunicazione eventualmente rilasciati dall'intermediario o quantomeno la denominazione dell'intermediario stesso.
Alle domande pervenute entro il 2 aprile 2019 sarà data risposta, dopo aver verificato la loro pertinenza e la legittimazione del richiedente, con il mezzo richiesto dal richiedente (fax o email) oppure, al più tardi, in occasione dell'Assemblea.
Ai sensi dell'art. 126-bis del D. Lgs. 58/98 (TUF) i Soci che, anche congiuntamente, rappresentino un quarantesimo del capitale sociale possono chiedere, entro il 2 marzo 2019, l'integrazione delle materie da trattare indicando nella domanda gli ulteriori argomenti proposti ovvero presentare nuove proposte di deliberazione su materie già all'ordine del giorno.
Le richieste devono essere presentate per iscritto alla Società a mezzo raccomandata indirizzata a IREN S.p.A, Strada S. Margherita 6/a, 43123 Parma - Direzione Affari Societari o alternativamente ai seguenti indirizzi di posta elettronica: oppure a condizione che pervenga alla Società entro i termini di cui sopra e devono essere corredate da una relazione sulle materie di cui si propone la trattazione.
L'attestazione della titolarità delle azioni in capo agli Azionisti richiedenti, nonché della quota di partecipazione necessaria per richiedere l'integrazione dell'ordine del giorno deve risultare da specifica comunicazione effettuata dall'intermediario depositario, con efficacia alla data della richiesta stessa, indirizzata a
L'integrazione non è ammessa per gli argomenti sui quali l'Assemblea delibera su proposta degli Amministratori o sulla base di un progetto e di una relazione da essi predisposta, diversa da quelle di cui all'art. 125-ter, comma 1, del TUF.
Il capitale sociale è attualmente rappresentato da n. 1.300.931.377 azioni ordinarie con diritto di voto e del valore nominale di euro 1 ciascuna.
Assemblea ordinaria di Iren s.p.a. convocata in unica convocazione per il 19 aprile 2018
Ogni legittimato ad intervenire potrà farsi rappresentare in Assemblea ai sensi di legge mediante delega conferita in alternativa:
La delega può essere conferita a Computershare S.p.A.entro il 17 aprile ed ha effetto per le sole deliberazioni proposte all'Assemblea per le quali il delegante abbia conferito istruzioni di voto attraverso detto modulo.
Qualora, per motivi tecnici, i moduli di delega non possano essere resi disponibili in forma elettronica, gli stessi saranno trasmessi a semplice richiesta da effettuare telefonicamente al numero 011 0923200.
Per la notifica delle deleghe, anche in via elettronica, dovranno essere seguite le istruzioni riportate sui moduli stessi.
Voto per via elettronica.
I soggetti legittimati possono esprimere direttamente, entro e non oltre il 18 aprile 2018, il proprio voto on line compilando e inoltrando via internet l'apposito modulo di voto cliccando sul link.
Ai sensi dell'art. 127-ter del D. Lgs. 58/98 (TUF) i soci possono porre domande sulle materie all'ordine del giorno anche prima dell'Assemblea.
Le domande devono essere inviate per iscritto alla Società all'indirizzo oppure o tramite fax allo 011 0703563 o mediante compilazione dell'apposito form.
La domanda deve essere corredata con i dati anagrafici del Socio richiedente (cognome e nome o denominazione nel caso di ente o Società, data di nascita e codice fiscale).
Hanno diritto di ottenere risposta coloro che risultano titolari delle azioni alla data del 10 aprile 2018 (record date). A tal fine deve essere prodotta dall'intermediario depositario, anche successivamente alla domanda, una comunicazione con efficacia fino alla suddetta data, indirizzata a, attestante la titolarità delle azioni in capo al richiedente stesso. Nel caso l'azionista abbia richiesto al proprio intermediario depositario la comunicazione di legittimazione per partecipare all'Assemblea, sarà sufficiente riportare nella richiesta i riferimenti di tale comunicazione eventualmente rilasciati dall'intermediario o quantomeno la denominazione dell'intermediario stesso.
Alle domande pervenute entro il 16 aprile 2018 sarà data risposta, dopo aver verificato la loro pertinenza e la legittimazione del richiedente, con il mezzo richiesto dal richiedente (fax o email) oppure, al più tardi, in occasione dell'Assemblea.
Ai sensi dell'art. 126-bis del D. Lgs. 58/98 (TUF) i Soci che, anche congiuntamente, rappresentino un quarantesimo del capitale sociale possono chiedere, entro il 17 marzo 2018, l'integrazione delle materie da trattare indicando nella domanda gli ulteriori argomenti proposti ovvero presentare nuove proposte di deliberazione su materie già all'ordine del giorno.
Le richieste devono essere presentate per iscritto alla Società a mezzo raccomandata indirizzata a IREN S.p.A, Strada S. Margherita 6/a, 43123 Parma - Direzione Affari Societari o alternativamente ai seguenti indirizzi di posta elettronica: oppure a a condizione che pervenga alla Società entro i termini di cui sopra e devono essere corredate da una relazione sulle materie di cui si propone la trattazione.
L'attestazione della titolarità delle azioni in capo agli Azionisti richiedenti, nonché della quota di partecipazione necessaria per richiedere l'integrazione dell'ordine del giorno deve risultare da specifica comunicazione effettuata dall'intermediario depositario, con efficacia alla data della richiesta stessa, indirizzata a .
L'integrazione non è ammessa per gli argomenti sui quali l'Assemblea delibera su proposta degli Amministratori o sulla base di un progetto e di una relazione da essi predisposta, diversa da quelle di cui all'art. 125-ter, comma 1, del TUF.
Il capitale sociale è attualmente rappresentato da azioni ordinarie con diritto di voto e del valore nominale di euro 1 cadauna.