Composition and members of the Board

Under the traditional model of governance adopted by IREN, the Board of Statutory Auditors, acting in complete freedom and independence within the Company and for its elector Shareholders, in accordance with the TUF (Consolidated Financial Act) and the recommendations of the Code, supervises the following:


  • compliance with the law and By-laws, in force pro tempore (including, inter alia, fulfilment of the requirement to prepare and publish the Non-Financial Declaration pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree No. 254 of 30 December 2016);
  • compliance of procedures adopted by IREN with the principles indicated by Consob regarding related parties, as well as respective compliance;
  • compliance with the principles of proper management;
  • the adequacy of the Company's organisational structure for relevant issues, the internal control system and administrative and accounting system and the latter's reliability in correctly representing management operations;
  • the procedures for the practical implementation of the corporate governance rules of the Italian Corporate Governance Code;
  • the adequacy of the Company's instructions to its subsidiaries to ensure proper compliance with the disclosure obligations provided by law.


On 27 June 2024, the Shareholders’ Meeting appointed the members of the Supervisory Board; their term expires upon approval of the 2026 Financial Statements. Upon submitting their respective candidacies, the newly appointed members of the Board of Statutory Auditors declared that they possess the integrity requirements prescribed by current legislation as well as the independence requirements pursuant to the provisions of the Consolidated Finance Act as well as the Corporate Code Governance of Listed Companies (January 2020) according to the governance assessments adopted by IREN S.p.A.


The Board of Statutory Auditors will carry out the assessments within its competence with reference to the aforementioned requirements at the first available meeting and will promptly communicate them to the market.


Sonia Ferrero

Born in Turin, Italy in 1971, a graduate of the University of Turin with a degree in economics and business administration, a certified public accountant and auditor. Since 2004 in Milan, she has worked with leading Italian tax law firms and has held and still holds numerous positions in corporate bodies of listed and unlisted, industrial and financial companies.

Standing Auditor

Ugo Ballerini

Born in Pisa in 1947, he graduated with honours in law from the University of Genoa in 1972, and has been general director of FI.L.S.E. since 1980. S.p.A. (Finanziaria Ligure per lo Sviluppo Economico), a regional public-controlled company with share capital of 24,700,565.76 Euro and assets of more than 360 million. He also holds the position of Sub Commissioner Extraordinary for the reconstruction of the Polcevera Viaduct of the A10 highway. During his working career, he has held countless positions on corporate bodies and boards of auditors of subsidiary and non-subsidiary, industrial and financial companies. Certified Public Accountant, enrolled under No. 3143 (Ministerial Decree of 12/04/1995 OJ No. 31BIS of 21/04/1995) in the Register of Auditors, he has published numerous essays and articles in newspapers and specialised journals, he has been a speaker at international conferences and conventions and has been called on to serve on various scientific committees.

Standing Auditor

Donatella Busso

Born in Savigliano (CN) in 1973, she graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Turin, where she has been a full professor of Business Economics since 2020. She teaches IFRS Accounting, Advanced Financial Accounting, and International GAAP in the Department of Management.

She is a member of the doctoral faculty for the PhD in “Business and Management” and the Management Department Council. She has served as Deputy Director for Teaching of the Department and President of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Control.

She is an affiliate professor at ESCP Business School, a member of the Board of Auditors of the Italian Society of Accounting and Business Economics Professors (SIDREA), and a member of the European Accounting Association.

As a Chartered Accountant, she provides opinions and consultancy and training activities on Italian and international accounting standards for listed and unlisted companies, both financial and non-financial.

She holds and has held positions as an independent director, Chair and member of Audit and Risk Committees, Related Parties and Remuneration Committees, and auditor in listed and unlisted companies.

Standing Auditor

Simone Caprari

Born in Reggio Emilia, he is an associate of Baldi & Partners Avvocati e Commercialisti (Reggio Emilia). He is a former Chairperson of the Union of Young Chartered Accountants of Reggio Emilia and the Regional Coordinator for Emilia Romagna. In 2000, he received a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Parma, in 2006, the Qualification to practice as an Auditor and Chartered Accountant, and in 2012, the Qualification to the specialisation course "Experts in Financial Markets" organised by Borsa Italiana Spa and the National Council of Chartered Accountants. He has gained specific expertise in corporate and tax consulting; drafting financial statements, budgets and business plans; M&A and Financial Advisory transactions; Accounting and Business Due Diligence; boards of auditors in listed and unlisted industrial companies; auditing; management consulting and business process reorganisation.

Substitute Auditor

Fabrizio Riccardo di Giusto

He is registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome and the register of Legal Auditors.

He graduated in Economics and Commerce from La Sapienza University of Rome in 1994. He began his professional career focusing particularly on corporate and tax law. In 2002, he started his own firm in Rome, which primarily operates in the field of economic-business, commercial, tax, administrative, and financial consultancy for national and international groups or companies.

He has gained specific experience in the preparation of financial statements, business plans, company valuations, and accounting and legal audits. An expert in Corporate Governance, he has held and holds positions as an auditor in industrial and financial companies, both listed and unlisted, serving as both President and member.

Substitute Auditor

Lucia Tacchino

Substitute Auditor

Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini