Accreditation for the Sustainable Development Goals

The company Iren Laboratori S.p.A. is accredited in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 by ACCREDIA, the sole Italian accreditation body with mutual recognition agreements, and operates as a multisite laboratory LAB No. 0178.


The accredited laboratories, located in Piacenza, Genoa, Reggio Emilia and La Spezia, offer over 170 accredited tests. The main fields of application are chemical, biological, microbiological and micropollutant analysis services for water intended for human consumption, natural water, waste water, seawater, sludge, gas, soil, waste, materials in contact with water intended for human consumption and packaging.





Certificato di Accreditamento

Certificato di Accreditamento



List of Accredited Testing Laboratories

List of Accredited Testing Laboratories


Request information or make a complaint

Startup.pdf at 11:03 337 KB

Other awards


IrenLab laboratories in Piacenza and Reggio Emilia are recognised by the Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies to provide the services required to verify the conformity of products regulated by Legislative Decree 75/2010 as amended. (Reorganisation and revision of the regulations on fertilisers, pursuant to article 13 of Law 88/2009).


Elenco Laboratori competenti - Decreto Legislativo 29 aprile 2010, n. 75

Elenco Laboratori competenti - Decreto Legislativo 29 aprile 2010, n. 75

