Corporate Governance Model

The Iren Corporate Governance is based on shared rules, extended to the subsidiaries, which inspire and direct the Group's strategies and activities. The instruments adopted by Iren guarantee respect for ethical values, principles and conduct within an industrial model that plans its growth in full respect of sustainability.

A governance system

aligned with national

and international best practices

In order to ensure the necessary consistency between conduct and strategies, the Group has created a system of internal rules that configure a Corporate Governance model based on the division of responsibilities and a balance between management and control. The methods of planning, management and control are entrusted to the guidance of the Board of Directors, the supervisory functions of the Board of Statutory Auditors and the statutory audit of the Independent Auditors.


The adoption of modern organisational and management mechanisms contributes to spreading the corporate culture in all its aspects and enhancing skills, growing in internal resources and employees the awareness that Iren plays a relevant role for the community in creating value and providing essential services.

Governance system

Iren Group S.p.A. is constantly striving to maintain and strengthen a corporate governance system aligned with national and international best practices in order to manage the complexity of the situations in which it operates and ensure a clear and sustainable development strategy.


The Group has also identified the Corporate Governance Code, approved by the Italian Corporate Governance Committee in January 2020, as the framework for defining its governance system.

The governance system of Iren S.p.A. is described in the Annual Corporate Governance Report, an essential source of information for investors and all those who wish to know us in depth.


Report on Corporate Governance

Report on Corporate Governance



Articles of Association and governance solutions

The set of rules that define the organisational structures of Iren S.p.A.  

Shareholder Dialogue Policies 

Approved by the Board of Directors of Iren S.p.A. to promote an increasingly open dialogue with Shareholders and Investors.

Code of Ethics 

An instrument that defines the set of ethical values and responsibilities that Iren and its subsidiaries share.

Shareholding structure and shareholders' agreements

The Iren share capital consists of 1,300,931,377 shares, of which 53.25% held by public shareholders, 1.37% treasury shares, and the remaining 45.38% the free float held by institutional or retail investors.