In accordance with legal provisions, IREN S.p.A. announces that the calendar of corporate events for 2020 will be as follows:
Group IREN: 2020 calendar of corporate events
In accordance with legal provisions, IREN S.p.A. announces that the calendar of corporate events for 2020 will be as follows:
Any change to the calendar will be promptly communicated. The dividend for the 2019 financial year, which will be approved by the Ordinary Shareholder’s meeting, can be paid from June 24, 2020, ex-dividend date on June 22, 2020 and record date on June 23, 2020. Iren S.p.A underlines that this announcement is being made exclusively for the purpose of compliance with the requirements of Borsa Italiana SpA and may not be interpreted in any way as a forecast regarding the existence of necessary conditions for the distribution of a dividend during the current year or in future years.