IREN S.p.A. announces that the by-laws which incorporate the amendment to articles 10.4; 19.1; 19.2; 19.3; 28.1; 28.2; 28.3 and in particular: (i) the modification of the shareholders' identification procedure and the related charging of costs (adjustment to art. 83-duodecies of the TUF); (ii) the amendment concerning the adjustment of the Articles of Association to the rules on compliance with "gender quotas" for the composition of the corporate bodies (adjustment to the 2020 Finance Act), approved by the Board of Directors on 25 March 2020, is available to the public at the registered office and at Borsa Italiana SpA. The updated bylaws are also available on the website, section "Investors, Corporate Governance, Company documents, Bylaws", as well as on the authorized storage mechanism“1Info Sdir/Storage”