
Business Plan 2021-2030: 12.7 billion euros in investments will allow Iren to shape the future of territories and become the reference partner for communities

11 Nov 2021

New growth strategy for Iren to establish itself as a reference partner for the communities in the necessary evolution of the next few years thanks to the high quality of the services offered. Decarbonisation, consumption electrification, circular economy and energy efficiency are the cornerstone of the business plan that forecasts growth in investments, amounting to 12.7 billion euros over 10 years, and in profit margins generated, with an expected EBITDA of 1.8 billion euros (+870 million compared to 2020).

Economic-financial highlights

  • EBITDA: 1.8 billion euros by 2030 (+870 million compared to 2020) with a CAGR of 7% thanks to organic growth, consolidation and synergies
  • Total gross investment: 12.7 billion euros
  • Net financial debt/EBITDA: 2.5x by 2030
  • Group net profit: approximately 500 million euros at 2030 (+270 million compared to 2020)
  • Dividend: confirmation of dividend policy until 2025, followed by a pay-out ratio of 50-55%

Industrial highlights

  • Sustainable Investments: 8.7 billion euros, equal to 80% of the organic investments in the Plan period
  • Organic growth: equal to 600 million euros of EBITDA supported by all business areas and by investments in networks, aimed at maximising the quality and efficiency of services, in development of renewable generation sources and extension of district heating, in increase of waste treatment capacity, in development of the smart solutions business and in growth of retail customers
  • External growth: 160 million euros of EBITDA deriving from the consolidation of companies already invested in, participation in tenders for gas and integrated water services, expansion into new areas in waste collection and net of the disposals of assets no longer considered core for Iren
  • Synergies: 120 million euros of EBITDA, mainly related to Performance Improvement initiatives, net of emerging costs associated with the digitalisation process
  • Recruitment: 7,000 workers expected to join the Group

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