
The approval provision relating to the EGEA operation has been published

28 Jun 2024

We inform that today ,28 June, the Sixth Civil Section - Insolvency Procedures of the Court of Turin has published the approval provision, pursuant to the Crisis Code, relating to the debt restructuring agreements concluded by EGEA Spa, EGEA PT and EGEA Commerciale with its financial creditors, its bondholders and its suppliers, as well as the tax transaction proposals formulated to the Agenzia delle Entrate and the Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli.

Furthermore, on 23 April last, the operation obtained Golden Power authorization and on June 26th, the Antitrust authorization, which constituted further conditions precedent to the operation.


Finally, the consolidated results referring to the perimeter covered by the transaction highlight compliance with the contractually indicated net financial position adjusted.


Without prejudice to the verification of limited further conditions precedent provided for in the Investment Agreement, the closing of the transaction is therefore expected on 1 August.

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