

Letter to stakeholders 

Iren Group's vision merges development and sustainability into a single value, with the aim of improving people's quality of life, making companies more competitive and looking at the growth of territories through the eyes of change.



How we govern sustainability 

Governance for sustainable growth takes the form of integrating ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors into the strategy, with medium and long-term objectives and targets, and in assessing and managing risks and opportunities arising from ESG factors. The strategic guidelines for sustainable growth, approved by the Board of Directors, guide operations, affect the remuneration policies and are monitored through a reporting system for transparent communication with stakeholders. Beginning with the BoD, the governance approach involves the entire organization, assigning specific levels of responsibility to different roles. 



Our strategy

Iren Group's purpose is to transfer a defined, long-term strategic vision into its daily actions, to be the reference partner in the local areas, a leader in the ecological transition and the first choice of stakeholders for the highest levels of service quality offered. The Group faces new environmental and social challenges by preventing risks and seizing all opportunities. The Integrated Strategic Plan is based on three pillars: green transition, local presence and service quality.

Material topics

Materiality analysis is the principle for identifying aspects, relevant to the company and its stakeholders, that significantly affect the ability to create value over time, i.e. material topics that “represent the organisation’s most significant impacts on the economy, environment and people, including impacts on their human rights”.



Value to our stakeholders 

The Group’s objective is to grow sustainably to ensure resilience and competitiveness and to continue to generate value for stakeholders.

With this in mind, Iren Group is committed to managing its activities considering the interests of its stakeholders, with the understanding that shared goals are essential to creating mutual value.

Our sustainability performance

Green transition

Iren Group operates in sectors that, by their nature, generate impacts on the environment and are strongly influenced by the natural resources used in the processes. Aware of its role in the ecosystem in which it operates, Iren places the protection of the quality of the environment and the rational use of natural resources at the centre of its commitments and strategy, also through investments oriented toward supporting energy independence and electrification of consumption.

Local presence

Communities and territories are indispensable for progress and the creation of shared value: the Business Plan to 2030 foresees, in fact, that about 10 billion Euro, equal to 95% of the total investments, will be destined to the territories of reference to design a sustainable future to the benefit of the communities.

Service quality

High-quality levels and service innovation to meet new and emerging customer demands: the strategy is strongly oriented towards the development of new integrated services to anticipate market trends and to the achievement and maintenance of excellence in quality and efficiency in all managed services. Agility, smartness, fairness, and transparency inspire the Group to improve its relationship with its customers continuously. 

Enabling resources

Maintaining adequate employment levels, skill coverage and development, workers health and safety, and the quality of employment are essential for pursuing Group’s strategies, which, also in terms of jobs, support the Global Compact principles.

Consult the 2023 Sustainability report

Download the full document in pdf format

Sustainability Report archive 

The Sustainability Report is the tool that reports on the results of Iren’s activities during the year and is a means of communicating and monitoring the adherence of performance to strategy and, precisely for this reason, reports on the progress made toward achieving the objectives and targets set by the Group’s Business Plan. The structured monitoring system makes it possible to analyze trends and make strategic and management choices necessary to achieve sustainability targets.

  • Sustainability Report 2023

    Sustainability Report 2023



  • Sustainability Report 2022

    Sustainability Report 2022



  • Sustainability Report 2021

    Sustainability Report 2021



  • Sustainability Report 2020

    Sustainability Report 2020



  • Sustainability Report 2019

    Sustainability Report 2019



  • Sustainability Report 2018

    Sustainability Report 2018



  • Sustainability Report 2017

    Sustainability Report 2017



  • Sustainability Report 2016

    Sustainability Report 2016



  • Sustainability Report 2015

    Sustainability Report 2015

