Service Quality

Who we work for

Technological innovation, sustainability of resources, green transition and digitalisation are some of the levers on which Iren Group is acting to expand its market, with high added-value service and consultancy offers that meet the needs of customers with broader prospects of satisfaction and loyalty. 

Type of customers


Residents served by the district heating


Integrated water service residents


Integrated water service municipalities


Urban waste management services residents


Urban waste management services municipalities


Relations with customers

Iren Group dedicates great attention to the relationship with its customers and to the communication of the products and services offered, promoting timely and transparent information through a plurality of contact channels.


N° counters 

2023 vs 2021


email and web contacts
for environmental services


of downloads of IrenYou

Customer satisfaction 

Iren Group has structured an annual monitoring system to evaluate the quality of the services supplied in order to identify actions for communication and operational interventions for continuous improvement: the 2023 survey also shows positive results in line with past surveys.

Quality, efficiency and safety in services

Efficiency, reliability and safety are relevant both for the quality of services and to ensure proper use of resources and reduction of impacts. Iren Group invests to guarantee security, continuity, health and business sustainability, aware of the responsibility that energy and waste management service management entails, for the present and for the future of people and the environment.

Sale of energy services and innovative products

Electricity distribution

Integrated water service

Waste management services