Below are the main national and international observances and events related to Diversity and Inclusion:











International Day for Cultural Diversity

UNESCO celebrates the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development to highlight not only the richness of the world's cultures but also the essential role of intercultural dialogue in achieving peace and sustainable development.



Deadline for Enrollment in the “HumanAIze Master: Human and Social Sciences for Artificial Intelligence”

The goal of the second-level Master's program, created by Politecnico di Torino and the University of Torino in collaboration with the STEM by Women association, is to train hybrid professional figures resulting from the combination of humanities skills and AI and digital competencies, and to promote equal opportunities in STEM professional roles.



LGBTQ+ Pride Month

LGBTQ+ Pride Month is an international observance celebrated throughout June each year. It highlights the importance of the fight for LGBT rights and is dedicated to celebrating and commemorating LGBTQ+ pride.

Pride Month was established in the wake of the Stonewall Riots, a spontaneous uprising in 1969 in New York City advocating for LGBT rights.



World Parents Day

This day aims to provide spaces for reflection on parenting and the evolution of the role of parents within society.



Diversity Media Awards

The **Diversity Media Awards** are an annual recognition inspired by the GLAAD Media Awards. Based on research involving nine Italian universities and the Observatorio di Pavia, it is the first and only European event dedicated to the value of inclusion, with significant media impact aimed at creating positive change in society.




Deadline for the 2024 Submission of the “Biennial Report on the Situation of Male and Female Personnel”

Public and private companies with more than 50 employees are required to produce, biennially, a report on the situation of male and female personnel. The report must be prepared both for the entire company and for each production unit with more than 50 employees.



International Day of Friendship

Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011, the International Day of Friendship aligns with the goals and objectives of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. The Day celebrates friendship among peoples, countries, cultures, and individuals, with the idea that it can inspire peace efforts and provide an opportunity to build bridges between communities, respecting different cultures, fostering international understanding, and honoring diversity.




International Day of Peace

Established by the United Nations General Assembly on November 30, 1981, the International Day of Peace is a day dedicated to peace and non-violence, urging all nations and people to cease hostilities during the day. The resolution invites all member states, UN system organizations, regional and non-governmental organizations, and individuals to commemorate the day appropriately, through public education and awareness as well as cooperation with the United Nations to achieve true global peace.



Financial Education Month

Hundreds of initiatives are organized nationwide by public institutions, associations, financial intermediaries, and private companies, aiming to enhance knowledge on insurance, retirement planning, and personal and family financial management and planning.



International Day of Older Persons

Celebrated by the United Nations, the International Day of Older Persons is an occasion to recognize the value of older individuals, both for themselves, their loved ones, and society as a whole. Aging is a complex and varied reality that ranges from active and healthy seniors to those who are not self-sufficient. While the aging population represents a significant success in public health, indicating a very high life expectancy, it also highlights the need for further support for health and social policies. Aging in good health is a priority not only for European and international strategies but also for national policies.



International Day of Non-Violence

Commemorated on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, who asserted that "Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man," the International Day of Non-Violence was promoted by the United Nations General Assembly. It calls on all UN member states to commemorate the day appropriately to "disseminate the message of non-violence, including through information and public awareness." The day reaffirms "the universal relevance of the principle of non-violence" and "the desire to ensure a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding, and non-violence."



International Day of the Girl Child

The United Nations General Assembly established this day to focus attention on the rights of young girls and the need to promote their empowerment, as well as to recognize the rights of girls and the unique challenges they face around the world. Improving their living conditions involves families, communities, and society as a whole, as it is crucial to focus on the potential that girls possess. With proper support during adolescence, they can become women, workers, mothers, entrepreneurs, and independent political leaders. Sustainable Development Goal 5, "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls," also pertains to them, given the disadvantages and discrimination they face worldwide every day.



Listening Day

Each year, World Listening Day is celebrated, established in 2007 by the International Federation of Hard of Hearing (IFHOH), an organization dedicated to representing the interests of people with hearing impairments worldwide.



World Kindness Day

The day aims to make the world a more beautiful place to live by fostering healthier relationships. In a world paradoxically more competitive and aggressive following the pandemic, which many had hoped would lead to greater collaboration among people and society, cultivating a lifestyle and approach to interacting with others based on kindness is of fundamental importance. The date was chosen to mark the beginning of the World Kindness Movement conference held in Tokyo in 1997, which led to the signing of the Declaration of Kindness. Over the years, initiatives and attention toward kindness have increased, supported by the consolidation of practices such as empathy, tolerance, and respect for others.



World Children's Day

World Children's Day is a commemorative day celebrated annually to honor the rights of children and adolescents, with the date varying by country. First established in 1954 as Universal Children's Day, it celebrates the adoption of the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child" and, in 1989, the "Convention on the Rights of the Child" by the United Nations. This day serves as a reminder of the unwavering commitment to ensuring that all children, regardless of their background, have the opportunity to grow and reach their full potential.



International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, established by the United Nations General Assembly, invites governments, international organizations, and NGOs to organize activities on this day to raise public awareness about the importance of non-violence and respect for women. It highlights that the denial of violence against women is a violation of human rights. In many countries, such as Italy, the color red is prominently displayed on this day, and one of the symbolic objects is red women's shoes, often arranged in public spaces, representing victims of violence and femicide.




International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities was established in 1981 with the aim of promoting the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities, emphasizing the principle of equality and the need to ensure their full and effective participation in the political, social, economic, and cultural spheres of society. The “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,” adopted in 2006, urges States to take measures to identify and eliminate barriers that hinder the respect of these fundamental rights, focusing on the need for conditions that allow persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life and development. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is also based on the principle that no one should be left behind, including persons with disabilities.



International Human Rights Day

This date was chosen to commemorate the proclamation by the United Nations General Assembly of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” to remind us of the inalienable rights that belong to every human being. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a document that declares the inalienable rights that we all possess as human beings, without distinction of race, color, religion, sex, language, origin, birth, or any other opinions.